Role of Women in Vijayanagara Kingdom, Karnataka, India


Hamakalavathy R.


Women and their role is a prominent and predominant factor in all ages with little variation. The role and status of women during Vijayanagara period is laudable. It occupies a unique place in the social and cultural history of South India figuring in all walks of life. Women had constructive role in administrative, political, economic, agricultural, social, cultural, art and paintings. Women had material wealth and good social status. They were liberal donors too. Women of different ranks made endowments to various institutions.

However, Devadasi system or temple prostitution a socio religious institution was in vogue with divine sanction. Hindu society at that time considered it as a lawful and honorable position. Child marriage was in practice.  Dowry system was prevalent and became a great burden on many families. Sati system also prevailed in Vijayanagara period and was confined to upper class of Hindu society.

Women had active role in celebration of festivals. Dance and music was performed by princess and common people were in receipt of patronage from rulers. To certain extent people gave equal status to women in society and in government appointments. Women were treated with respect as daughters, wives and mothers. With the exception of evil cultures of sati and prostitution which had state sanction, the role and status of women during Vijayanagara period was laudable.


How to Cite
R., H. (2016). Role of Women in Vijayanagara Kingdom, Karnataka, India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from