Kashmir's Desire for Self-Determination: In Need of Political Imagination?


Deepali Raghunath Khaire


The demand for self-determination and the related conflict in Kashmir are key security issues for India and South Asia. The demand represents crucial political struggles of the present time. The concepts of nation and national identity often drive this struggle between India and Kashmir. An understanding of national security in terms of the stability of the state and preserving the norm of territorial integrity treats Kashmir's demand for self-determination as secessionist. Thus, neglects the Kashmiri desire for self-respect and dignity are a source for such drive of self-determination. Instead, the self-determination reduced to secessionist demand results in homogenization of societies through denial of the recognition of their cultural differences. Such emphasis on unity informs the present conception of national security of India which prioritises the militarization of Kashmir over human security in the region. Although military security practices ensure procedural and legal authority, they cannot assure stability to the state and society. The recognition of difference can help to transform political imagination of unity from oneness to togetherness. So, the Kashmir's dissent from Indian identity is a search for unity in togetherness rather than oneness.



How to Cite
Khaire, D. R. (2016). Kashmir’s Desire for Self-Determination: In Need of Political Imagination?. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127128