The Efficacy of the Family Based Model for the Care of Orphans at SOS Children's Village in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe


Linda Sibindi
Karren Dube


The study investigates the efficacy of the family based model for the care of orphans and vulnerable children at SOS children Village in Bulawayo Zimbabwe. The research was exploratory in nature and a descriptive survey design within a case study was used. Questionnaires namely the Likert Scale based questionnaire e, the general questionnaire and the self- reporting questionnaire were used to elicit the views of the children. These three questionnaires were administered to 54 children ranging from the ages of 13and above. The main findings of the study are that Bulawayo SOS Children's village does seem to make significant inroads in providing orphaned children with love, protection, care and support proving that it is effective at meeting its mandate.  However even though the SOS Village tries to replicate a family like environment, the sentiments of the children point to a need for the provision for psycho social support for the children that will address the fears, emotional trauma and void created by their orphanhood.


How to Cite
Sibindi, L., & Dube, K. (2016). The Efficacy of the Family Based Model for the Care of Orphans at SOS Children’s Village in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from