How Color Combination Changes in Textiles of Different Districts Depending upon Dye Plants Used


Åžerife Atlihan


There are different types of designs and color combinations in traditional textiles in different districts in Turkey and in other countries. Turkey is a large country 814.578 square km. and has different types of landscape and climates. The country is long in a horizontal direction. There are seven topographical areas in the country on the map. They are from west to eastern: 1. Marmara (Northwest), 2. Aegean (West), 3. South (Mediterranean), 4. Central, 5. Eastern, 6. Southeast, 7. Black Sea (North), but there are not strong cultural differences between those areas. Generally mentioned are three areas:  West, Central and East Anatolia. We have some similarities in textiles and other objects between all those areas. The local people use the materials and dye stuff in textiles which are found in their areas. Therefore, these types of textiles have their unique characteristics. There are traditional designs and motifs in each district, but the color pallets in the traditional textiles do not depend only on the local people`s taste, material, technique and size.  It depends especially upon the dye stuff and dyeing methods. Those rules are the same for all kind of textiles like garments, covers and wall hangings, etc. It would be displayed all these types of textiles from Turkey as samples, but it is impossible to give all samples in this article. So it will be giving the samples of carpets and kilims about this thesis.


How to Cite
Atlihan, Åžerife. (2016). How Color Combination Changes in Textiles of Different Districts Depending upon Dye Plants Used. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(11). Retrieved from