The Psychology of Autocracy"-tracing the Possibility of Origin of Dictatorship in Democracy


Anoop Kumar K. V.


Once established and run on the basis of democratic values for a substantial time period, a sudden shift in the collective mindset of such a society resulting in the choice of dictatorship is seldom heard of. In spite of that, such societies can always take a seemingly controlled risk of making an illogical choice, in choosing a self-styled autocrat. Complacency in the face of subjugation is a dangerous trend for a society that dons the mantle of democracy. The psychology of this reaction pattern of the common mass is called "learned helplessness" resulting in "identification with the aggressor(read dictator/autocrat). The dictator is not an "avtar". He/she is just an ordinary human being like anybody else. He/she symbolizes the covert sickness of the society as a whole. It would serve the democracy better if callous and non-empathetic politicians pick up the signs of social warning and act sincerely and logically to uphold the ideals and values, that the founding fathers of "democracy" envisaged.


How to Cite
V., A. K. K. (2016). The Psychology of Autocracy"-tracing the Possibility of Origin of Dictatorship in Democracy. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(12). Retrieved from