Effect of NGOS Activities on Schools Water and Sanitation Infrastructure


Muga Justus Victor


Education is a prime mover to economic growth and development of a country, and is seen as a tool for sustaining democracies, improving health, increasing per capita income and environmental conservation of nations. The future of the nation is therefore highly dependent on the type and quality of education offered which should be supported by availability and provision of proper education infrastructure that includes water and sanitation facilities. Continued increase in population has led to increased demand for education and training in the country, hence stretching the government's budget, and in response, partnerships have been intensified with NGOs in financing education. The purpose of the study was to assess effect of NGOs activities on school's water, sanitation and health (WASH) facilities in Bunyala Sub County of Busia County. The study was a descriptive survey of 47 schools in which purposive sampling was used to select 40 respondents. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented using tables, pie charts and graphs. The study indicates that four NGOs have participated in financing WASH infrastructure, and that world vision has financed more infrastructure than all other NGOs combined. NGOs have financed 21.64% of latrine cubicles, 36.72% of water tanks and 35.7% of bathroom cubicles. Overall NGOs have financed 24.74 % of infrastructure while other funding agencies have financed 75.26%. Despite their activities there is still an acute shortage of infrastructure in schools as only 5.1% of schools have adequate bathrooms,8.8% and 5.6% of schools have adequate latrine cubicles for boys and girls respectively, while 61.5% of schools have access to safe and clean water though not adequate. The study recommends that government should implement policies on minimum infrastructural requirements for a school to be registered; WASH requirements and coordinate funding activities of NGOs in schools so as to avoid wastage.


How to Cite
Victor, M. J. (2016). Effect of NGOS Activities on Schools Water and Sanitation Infrastructure. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(12). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127166