An Analysis of the Impact of MGNREGA within the Livelihood Framework: Study of a Gujarat Village, India


Kalpeshkumar Ambalal Chauhan
Rajdeep Singha


Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), a social legislation, ensures the security of livelihood in rural areas by providing 100 days of employment to those who are willing to do unskilled manual work. It incorporates the objectives that emphasize on generation and strengthening different livelihood assets at individual level and community level as well.  This study tried to understand the impact of MGNREGA on people within the livelihood framework which includes five capitals- Financial Capital, Human Capital, Natural Capital, Physical Capital and Social Capital. The findings of the study show that the impact of MGNREGAon financial and physical capital is found good to some extent and less on the natural, social and human capital which again make the people dependent on MGNREGA or on the state for their livelihood security.


How to Cite
Chauhan, K. A., & Singha, R. (2016). An Analysis of the Impact of MGNREGA within the Livelihood Framework: Study of a Gujarat Village, India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(12). Retrieved from