Teaching Mathematics to Students with Visual Impairments in Inclusive Primary Schools in Tanga, Tanzania


Sarah W. Mwangi
Mwitango Shemndolwa


Students who are visually impaired have the potential to perform well in Mathematics just like their sighted peers. This can be made possible if the students are supported by teachers through use of appropriate teaching methods as well as being given adequate learning time to complete mathematics tasks. Unfortunately, most teachers teaching Mathematics to students with Visual Impairments in inclusive schools have been documented to use traditional methods of teaching which limit acquisition of Mathematics concepts. This paper aimed at analyzing the teaching methods used by teachers, as well as finding out whether students were given adequate time to complete their Mathematics tests and assignments. The study was done in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Fifty (50) respondents were involved including forty (40) students with Visual Impairment and ten (10) teachers. The instruments for data collection included interview guides and observation schedules. Qualitative data from interview guides and observation schedules was analysed by categorising, organizing in themes and describing the way they were. The findings revealed that students with Visual impairment were not given adequate time to complete Mathematics tests and class assignments which impacted negatively on their performance in the subject. The teaching methods used by the teachers for example the use of lecture method failed to consider the learning needs of students with Visual Impairments. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Education should come- up with a more flexible curriculum which would consider the learning needs of students with Visual Impairments in inclusive settings in order for them to excel in Mathematics.


How to Cite
Mwangi, S. W., & Shemndolwa, M. (2016). Teaching Mathematics to Students with Visual Impairments in Inclusive Primary Schools in Tanga, Tanzania. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(12). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127196