Performance Appraisal Perceptions and Organisational Commitment – A Conceptual Debate


P. Christie
Sangeetha Vasudevan


Performance Appraisal Perceptions have been a keen area of study by researchers over the past years. Several aspects and variables have been studies with respect to how appraisal processes are viewed by employees and what actions can be taken thereof. The relationship between Perceptions of Appraisal systems with Organisational Commitment, however, has been given limited focus. There are conflicts in the results proposed by scholars on how these variables are related. The focus of this paper is to present a theoretical framework that highlights the work of several authors towards the relationship between Perception of Performance Appraisals and Organisational Commitment.


How to Cite
Christie, P., & Vasudevan, S. (2016). Performance Appraisal Perceptions and Organisational Commitment – A Conceptual Debate. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(12). Retrieved from