Knowing God's Immanence through the English Mystic and the Kashmiri Sufi Poetry


Saltanat Farooq


"God” is the most majestic and profound theme in mystic doctrines and to talk about God and discuss his attributes is what mystic poetry holds about in its bosom.And all important mystical writings give pre-eminence to God, who he is, and what he is like. Here I want to focus on just one aspect of this, namely God's immanence. The present paper deals with the very idea of God being immanent. I have taken references from both; English mystical poetry as well as Kashmiri Sufi poetry and analysed them to bring on the front an idea”an attitude, rather I should say a similarity of an intense feeling about God's immanence that exists in both.


How to Cite
Farooq, S. (2016). Knowing God’s Immanence through the English Mystic and the Kashmiri Sufi Poetry. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(12). Retrieved from