Child Labour and Role of Judiciary in India


Ramsharan .


Child abuse is one of the most heinous and inhuman crimes against humanity. It means to maltreat a child physically or emotionally. Therefore, any commission or omission of an act which leads to a harm or possibility of harm to the child can be categorized as child abuse. In every society childhood is considered to be the most important part of one's life. However, the prevalence of poverty, illiteracy and scarcity of resources large numbers of children are not given their right to childhood.

Child labour is a serious issue before India. It is a paradoxical situation that while on the one hand India is transforming from developing to developed state as it ranks fourth in terms of economic growth, claiming permanent seat of United Nations Security Council, and more than 276 people have joined the club of billionaire in last decades. On the other hand, India, has not made remarkable progress on the front of child labour and India accommodates world's largest number of child labour.


How to Cite
., R. (2016). Child Labour and Role of Judiciary in India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(12). Retrieved from