Philosophy and National Development


Emmanuel Olalekan Akintona
Uche Samuel Odozor


The question, "Of what relevance is philosophy to human development?” provokes a doubting thought in regard to the relevance and functional role philosophy plays in promoting the socio-political and economic development of a country as against what other professional disciplines like Accounting, Law, Engineering, Medicine have been doing. However, contemporary Africa has experienced and continues to experience enormous distress which these other professions have not been able to revolve. Under such circumstances, eyes turn to the philosopher for solutions.  Thus, the urgent need to reflect on Africa's journey towards redemptive healing and human development becomes the philosopher's task. If philosophy is the love for wisdom and wisdom is not just a correct application of knowledge, but the active use of intelligence which transverses all fields of learning, philosophy cannot be undermined in any way. Philosophy is founded on reflection, curiosity, criticality and objectivity; it also aims at rational explanation of reality. With its power of logic and critical thinking, philosophy has become an indispensable instrument of study for all disciplines. Hence, this paper shall adopt a conceptual analytical method to critically appraise the relevance of philosophy and philosophers to human and national development in the contemporary world.


How to Cite
Akintona, E. O., & Odozor, U. S. (2016). Philosophy and National Development. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(12). Retrieved from