Teacher Absenteeism and its Impact on Quality Education: A Case Study of the Public Schools in the Abesim Circuit of the Sunyani Municipality


Samuel Tieku Gyansah
Gabriel Esilfie
Agnes Atta


This study is a case study that reveals that teacher absenteeism in the Abesim circuit was as a result of most teachers commuting long distances to their respective schools. Some of the teachers who were on the Distance Education programmes often left for their Study Centres in Sunyani, Kumasi, Accra, Cape Coast on Fridays thereby absenting themselves from school. A sample size of 50 was used for the study and the main sampling techniques was the simple random and purposive sampling methods. The circuit is made up of ten public basic schools in 3villages. The main tools for gathering data were questionnaires, interviews and observations. The statistical tool used in the analysis of the data included percentages derived from frequencies and these were presented in tables. Conclusions drawn were that teacher absenteeism in the Abesim circuit led to the teachers' inability to complete syllabi, there were poor examination results and also excessive pressure on substitute teachers, etc. Some of the recommendations made are: school authorities should use regular attendance to school as one of the basis for promoting teachers, avoid paying teachers for those days they did not work, empower Heads of Basic Schools to be able to sanction absentee teachers.


How to Cite
Gyansah, S. T., Esilfie, G., & Atta, A. (2014). Teacher Absenteeism and its Impact on Quality Education: A Case Study of the Public Schools in the Abesim Circuit of the Sunyani Municipality. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127242