Discovery of Truth: Insight of J. Krishnamurti


Prantika Sarmah


Man throughout the human history has been making painstaking attempts to get Reality or Truth. The great religious traditions of mankind have their scriptures, the temples and faithful priests, but they are unable to save the society from religious, social, economic and other exploitations; because, in the course of time they have not changed. In this state J. Krishnamurti shows a very practical way to realize Truth. To him the understanding of life with all its miracles of sorrows and sufferings, smiles and tears lead one to the discovery of Truth. So he travels with the message that ‘Truth is a pathless land'. The originality and freshness of his approach lie in the fact that in transporting his messages he avoids the hazard of limitation, authority, idealism and shows his listeners a way to touch Reality which is free from all types of dogmatism and superstitions. The debate on the perplexing issue over the means of attaining truth or reality without a guru or method is the main focus of this paper. Choiceless awareness, stillness of mind, self knowledge, etc. are the topics presented in the following pages from Krishnamurti's perspective.


How to Cite
Sarmah, P. (2014). Discovery of Truth: Insight of J. Krishnamurti. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from