Assessing the Indicator Based Sustainability: A Pragmatic Approach


Rituparna Hajra
Rajarshi Mitra
Tuhin Ghosh


Sustainability is the derivation of the status of capacity to maintain, in any scale from individual to population, and sometimes non-living natural resources. Sustainability is a term which not only indicates the quality of life or expectancy, rather in modern day research it has evolved as a quantitative approach towards the estimation of well-being. Thus, it has definitive conflict with the developmental processes, which usually attempt to fulfill the concern of the people only. There are various methods to measure sustainability and ever comply with the variation in natural ecosystem and dynamic situations therein. But these methods have their own shortcomings in application for sustainability assessment as a whole as they are based mainly on few certain criteria and most of the outputs are qualitative in nature. The experimentation with the sustainability has the potential to accommodate this kind of variations. This study has also an attempt to accommodate the variables in natural system and a more refined process to quantify the sustainability.A new approach for sustainability scoring has been developed considering interrelation of the systems resilience, threats and adaptive capacity. The proposed methodology is more quantitative and flexible to any natural system.


How to Cite
Hajra, R., Mitra, R., & Ghosh, T. (2014). Assessing the Indicator Based Sustainability: A Pragmatic Approach. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from