Brain Dominance and Test Anxiety of Secondary and Higher Secondary Students


Ganesh Kumar J.
Maharishi R.
Jaya Kumar K. N.


Brain dominance is a psychological phenomenon which can explain how each hemisphere is contributing to the thinking and learning pattern of individuals.  This study will enhance our knowledge about the complexities between right and left dominance of brain over test anxiety.Test anxiety is another important psychological factor which has negative influence on the academic performance of the students  With this background, the present study attempted to understand the brain dominance and test anxiety of secondary and higher secondary students.  Of the 245 participants, 121 were male and 124 were female students, who were selected through simple random sampling and survey research design was adoptedFried-Ben Test Anxiety Scale (FTAS) and Styles of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT) by P.Venkataraman (1989).The results showed that there will not be any significant difference in test anxiety of students based on their gender, academic grade, social class, order of birth, father's educational qualifications, mother's educational qualifications. And also, there will not be any significant difference in Test Anxiety of students based on hemispheric dominance.



How to Cite
J., G. K., R., M., & N., J. K. K. (2014). Brain Dominance and Test Anxiety of Secondary and Higher Secondary Students. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(2). Retrieved from