Public Expenditure of Haryana on Development Sector


Rekha Sharma
Jitendra Kumar


Present study highlights the pattern of public expenditure on development sector in Haryana (1990-91 to 2009-10). Development sector comprises the subheads: social and economic services. The composition of government expenditure reflects its priorities. The size and share of developmental expenditure (social and economic services) would reflect the state's concern for development. The paper examines the developmental expenditure of Haryana and its components. The non development expenditure is more in 1994-95 and 1996-97 due to large expenditure on lotteries, pension and other miscellaneous general services including payments on account of state lotteries. The development expenditure major share is on economic services during the initial years of study period as per the plans having more focus on economic growth. In the recent years the gap between economic and social services is shrinking. In social services, education and in economic services, energy sector gain the major account expenditure in the recent years. To raise the share of development expenditure non development expenditure need to be reduced by stressing the least burden on general services expenditure.             



How to Cite
Sharma, R., & Kumar, J. (2014). Public Expenditure of Haryana on Development Sector. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(2). Retrieved from