Chishti Sufis and the Ideology of Faqr in the Early Fourteenth Century


Sushmita Banerjee


This paper discusses the sufi virtue of faqr    as evident in the malfuzat of Shaykh Nizam al-Din Awliya in the fourteenth century. It discusses the different ways in which poverty as  a virtue was practiced by the piety-minded and sufis in the early fourteenth century and the morals underlined in the term faqr that Nizam al-Din prescribed as an ideal for his disciples. By citing anecdotes from lives of historical personages, the pragmatic aspect of the concept was delineated by Nizam al-Din for his audience.


How to Cite
Banerjee, S. (2014). Chishti Sufis and the Ideology of Faqr in the Early Fourteenth Century. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(3). Retrieved from