A Brief Appraisal of Transforming Living Space of South Kolkata


Prashasti Bhattacharyya


Changing urban landscape is an epitome of escalation of congenialities and adversities, infrastructural upgradation and with its transformation of the wellbeing status of the Denizens. Studies analyzing urbanscape and its livability always have immense value to planners and policy-makers as no programming is complete without consideration of the wants and problems of fellow inhabitants. The sole entity of fruitful planning should be social embedded in geographical space.

Kolkata conjures up the images of a sprawling urban conglomerate, bursting with population overload and with basic civic amenities under severe strain. This ever-changing metropolis have embarked on a never ending urban. There is an unsurmountable burden on its resources and countless dissatisfactions questioning the pleasure of being a Calcuttan. In this context, the present paper shall attempt to assess living conditions of parts of South Kolkata covering Jadavpur, Tollygunge and Behala, an area which has experienced unprecedented urban transformation in the recent decades and  will go on experiencing the same in the coming years. From an essentially colony East Bengali culture the region underwent a thorough make-over to that of the elite Bengali and cosmopolitan culture of the present day. It may be recollected that this southern part of Kolkata was once predominantly rural containing open spaces, wetlands and cultivated areas. Presently the area is a juxtaposition of different facets of urbanized space and a burgeoning population with increasing expectations and aspirations. It is an onerous task to align projects with the needs and demands of the citizens and yet the ultimate objective is to achieve human wellbeing and a highly livable environment.

 The author questions whether people are experiencing an improved quality of life with improvement of city amenities and services and whether the benefits are transcending the social strata in an inclusive and equitable manner. The scope of such a study encompasses a complicated large inventory of parameters that need to be analysed spatially and temporally. In this paper certain physical environmental, demographic, socio-economic, developmental achievements and endeavours have been dealt with to bring out interrelations between these and hence derive a picture of the state of environmental wellbeing in this part of the city. Certain aspects of the urban environment will be more importantly dealt with like landuse changes and housing, transport and communication, shopping, health services, recreation and cultural amenities, safety and security issues encompassing criminal activities, traffic hazards, power shortages, waterlogging, pollution etc.

The paper depicts that there is simultaneous omnipresence of convenience and inconvenience in the area. Despite the presence of amenities and  developmental ventures, some clear evil effects are also easily felt and calls for rational intervention for speedy solution. All planning should be based on impact assessment and interdisciplinary studies so as to rehabilitate existing conditions and bring sustainable progress in future.



How to Cite
Bhattacharyya, P. (2014). A Brief Appraisal of Transforming Living Space of South Kolkata. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(4). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127885