Family Environment as a Determinant of Behaviour Orientation among Adoloscents of Bathinda District


Manpreet Kaur


In every walk of life we face or observe diversities, not only in our country but in whole world. Psychology says,” No two persons are alike; this is true in social life also.” We are at the beginning of a new century. The main purpose of education is the balanced development of many dimensions of human behaviour. The whole purpose of education is to realize the inner dignity of man. Human behaviour depends upon individual differences among children which are based on two factors i.e. heredity and environment. In case of heredity, the inherited qualities play a major role. In case of environment, there are number of extraneous factors which influence the individuals to great extent.

The country is success in various field of life depends on the proper education of adolescent and proper adjustment in family. Towards this, the family environment always functions as the feeding sources. The present study is undertaken to find out the family environment as a determinant of behaviour orientation among adolescents.

Lastly no such type of study has been conducted in Bathinda district with special reference to adolescents. That's why the investigator has given much more important for the present piece of study.



How to Cite
Kaur, M. (2014). Family Environment as a Determinant of Behaviour Orientation among Adoloscents of Bathinda District. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(6). Retrieved from