Urban Ex-landfill Redevelopment in Malaysia: Community Perception


Mazifah Simis
Azahan Awang


Malaysia's rapid urban development, with more than two-third of its people living in the urban areas, has forced the government to redevelop urban ex-landfill.  Five types of redevelopment for ex-landfill sites have been identified including the redevelopment as public parks. The redevelopment of urban ex-landfill as a public park is claimed to be the best approach to mitigate the issue of ex-landfill and it is widely accepted by the community. Is this true? Hence, this study serves as a background study to identify community's perceptions towards the issues of ex-landfill, the ranks of the suitable development type and the proposal of ex-landfill redevelopment as a public park. A community's perceptions data that comprises feedbacks from 233 respondents who live within 1.0 kilometer radius of two study areas, namely Jinjang Utara ex-landfill and Worldwide Landfill Park indicates that the communities within these areas are receptive towards the redevelopment of ex-landfill as a public park. Thus, redevelopment of ex-landfill as a public park is expected to be the preferred type of redevelopment for future development of the 296 urban ex-landfills in Malaysia.



How to Cite
Simis, M., & Awang, A. (2014). Urban Ex-landfill Redevelopment in Malaysia: Community Perception. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127918