A Toolbox for Science and Mathematics Educators' Professional Guidance at Bindura University of Science Education


Osmany Hernández Basulto
Isel Ramí­rez Berdut
Daimond Dziva


In Zimbabwe there is a great demand for science specialists and science teachers since the scientific development of the country has to be fostered. However, the enrolment of students in the conventional courses of science and science teachers' careers at Bindura University of Science Education is very poor. Then, a group of lecturers is doing a research work related to vocational education, particularly to the professional guidance towards those careers. In this paper it is presented an action plan that contains actions to be developed by the university and the schools, involving the community and the learners' relatives. Furthermore, it is expected that the actions strengthen the relationship among the university, the schools, the learners' relatives and the community. Since the beginning of this research different methods and techniques are being used like surveys, interviews, observation, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, historical and logical, among others.


How to Cite
Basulto, O. H., Berdut, I. R., & Dziva, D. (2014). A Toolbox for Science and Mathematics Educators’ Professional Guidance at Bindura University of Science Education. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127923

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