Education Versus Crime


K. Krishna Kumari
Suganthi S. Kumar


In this paper, my aim is to focus on education versus crime. Crime and education are increasing day to day. In olden days people had a dead belief upon education. They felt that if education augments, crime definitely spins. Contrary to this, education and crime are boosting mutually. In past generation, children knew the value of love for father, mother, sister, brother and grandparents. They also knew to save money and reduce their expense according to their minimum salary. But there is only one love for present generation which is parallel to all relations. Students are not ready to go job for least amount. Their expectations have become higher. They don't want to be treated as underprivileged. So, to improve their status they are ready to do crimes like theft, murder, rape, chain snapping, child kidnapping and so on. Why this situation happens to our country? Will it change? Who is going to change the students mind? Is it possible?


How to Cite
Kumari, K. K., & Kumar, S. S. (2014). Education Versus Crime. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(8). Retrieved from