Women Empowerment in Rajnandgaon District


Sumeet Agrawal
S. N. Jha
M. Madhuri Devi


The present paper is an attempt to analyze the status of women empower in India using various indicators like women's household decision making power, financial autonomy, freedom of   movement, political participation, acceptance of unequal gender role, exposure movement, political participation, acceptance of unequal gender role, exposure to media, access to education, experience of domestic violence etc based on data from different sources. The study reveals that women of India are relatively disempowered and they enjoy somewhat lower status than that of men in spite of many efforts undertaken by government. Gender gap exists regarding access to education and employment. Household decision making power and freedom of movement of women vary considerably with their age, education and employment status. It is found that acceptance of unequal gender norms by women are still prevailing in the society. More than half of the women believe wife beating to be justified for one reason or the other. Fewer women have final say on how to spend their earnings. Control over cash earnings increases with age, education and with place of residence. Women's exposure to media is also less relative to men. Rural women are more prone to domestic violence than that of urban women. A large gender gap exists in political participation too. The study concludes by an observation that access to education and employment are only the enabling factors to empowerment, achievement towards the goal, however, depends largely on the attitude of the people


How to Cite
Agrawal, S., Jha, S. N., & Devi, M. M. (2014). Women Empowerment in Rajnandgaon District. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127944