Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Hidden Crime


Reshma Anjum


Elder abuse is the ill-treatment of an older person, usually by a caregiver. The mistreatment may be physical, sexual, or emotional abuse; neglect or abandonment or financial abuse. Elder abuse and neglect have been recognized as a growing problem in India, and this is showing an upward trend. Many elderly adults are abused in their own homes, in relatives' homes, and even in facilities responsible for their care. The personal losses associated with abuse can be devastating and include the loss of independence, homes, life savings, health, dignity, and security.

The abuse of elderly people in India has shot up to 50% from 23% as per a survey 'Elder Abuse in India 2014' report by HelpAge India, a non-governmental organization which fights isolation, poverty and neglect of the elderly.

This study includes real life cases of five elderly victims of abuse. The abused elders include four women and one man. Each case is tracked through time to understand the situations months and years afterwards. These cases though are only a tip of the iceberg. Each case is a story of harassment and torture. Each case reveals violation of HUMAN RIGHTS of the old and the infirm, not by outsiders; but by their own children.


How to Cite
Anjum, R. (2014). Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Hidden Crime. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/127945