Stress Management and Performance Status of Employees of Public and Private Banks


Sunita G. Rao
Sunita Borkar


In the modern world of 21st century "stress" is termed as "disease of century" as it is believed to cause more ailments than anything known to modern medicine."Stress" in occupation is a condition or a feeling experienced when an employee perceives that "demands placed on him exceed the personal and social resources he is able to mobilize". He has a feeling of losing control over events, which is stressful.

In the present study analysis of the level of occupational stress and performance level among Public and Private sector bank employees. Banking Industry today is amongst ten most stressful industries, as per ASSOCHEM.

Present research deals with 587 respondents, 300 from Public and 287 from Private sector banks, collected by non-probability sampling plan. Descriptive research design and survey method was used for studies. Research technique used for data collection was through a questionnaire. Statistical tools employed were Cluster Analysis and ANOVA.

Conclusion of the present research was that, while Private sector bank employees expressed inter-role distance, role expectation conflict and role overload as factors causing stress, Public sector bank employees showed disagreement towards almost all the factors causing stress.


How to Cite
Rao, S. G., & Borkar, S. (2014). Stress Management and Performance Status of Employees of Public and Private Banks. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(10). Retrieved from