Democracy: An Inherent Element in the Context of India


Hanumanthappa D. G.
Y. S. Balaveantagol


Generally the political system of Third World states is known for political instability, chaos, dispute and so on. Most of the states of the Third World are struggling for a stable political system. Although most of them begin their government with democracy, a very few can sustain on that system. But there is one exceptional and surprising state named India bearing all qualities of Third World States able to keep on her political system successfully. Thus, it becomes a puzzle for the political thinkers and scholars. This study will try to explore and examine how it retained sustainability in her democratic government despite thousands of handicap. Basically it will focus on factors which are really responsible for India's successful democracy and reveal the role of these factors in maintaining such stability which can be followed by other countries of third world. This study is completely based on the secondary sources such as books, articles and various tools get through internet.


How to Cite
G., H. D., & Balaveantagol, Y. S. (2014). Democracy: An Inherent Element in the Context of India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(10). Retrieved from