Assessment of the Contribution of FPE on Teaching and Learning Materials, and Academic Performance of Learners with Hearing Impairment in Nyakach Sub County


Joseph Okelo Nudi
Doreen Katiba
Mercy Thuranira


The Free Primary Education (FPE) funding was expected to enhance quality of education in all primary schools including those with inclusive settings by ensuring that adequate teaching and learning (T&L) materials are acquired. However, academic performance of learners with Hearing Impairment (HI) remains low compared to normal learners, thus questioning the availability of T&L materials for the benefit of these learners. The purpose of this study was to establish the contribution of free primary education on T&L and academic performance of learners with HIamong inclusive primary schools in Nyakach Sub County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the contribution of FPE on teaching and learning materials, and the contribution of FPE challenges on academic achievement. The study was guided by the social learning theory espoused by Albert Bandura. This study used cross sectional survey design on a target population of seven head teachers; 56 teachers; 191 learners from the seven inclusive public primary schools with learners with HI; and four Educational Assessment and Resource Center (EARC) officers, making up 258 respondents. The study used questionnaires, interview guides and observation check lists for data collection. Reliability was tested through split half after a pilot study, while validity was enhanced through consultation of experts from the department of education of Kenya Methodist University. Thematic analysis was used to analyse qualitative data, while descriptive statistics was used to analyse quantitative data. The study found that FPE funds have not aided sufficiency of teaching and learning resources for learners with HI, hence both are inadequate in inclusive schools. Challenges faced in managing FPE include inadequate in-service training programmes for teachers; and low motivation of learners with HI among others. It was recommended that more learning resources should be provided to inclusive schools to cater for the needs of learners with HI. Further research is recommended on the contribution of FPE on the acquisition of learning materials specific to learners with HI in inclusive public primary schools.



How to Cite
Nudi, J. O., Katiba, D., & Thuranira, M. (2017). Assessment of the Contribution of FPE on Teaching and Learning Materials, and Academic Performance of Learners with Hearing Impairment in Nyakach Sub County. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(3). Retrieved from