Determinants of Agricultural Technology Adoption in Chókwè District, Mozambique


Sérgio Ponguane
Nézia Mucavele


The main objective of this work was to analyze the factors influencing the adoption of agricultural technologies in Chókwé district. In order to carry out the study, a sample of 150 farmers from the administrative posts of Lionde, Chókwè-sede, Xilembene and Macarretane obtained through a randomized stratified sampling approach was submitted to the survey to obtain primary data. Based on a bivariate probit model, factors that influence the adoption of two agricultural technologies, namely improved seed and mechanization were identified. The results show that factors such as schooling, farm size, purchasing power and market access influence the adoption of improved seed and mechanization. On the other hand, access to extension services reduces the propensity to adopt improved seed.



How to Cite
Ponguane, S., & Mucavele, N. (2018). Determinants of Agricultural Technology Adoption in Chókwè District, Mozambique. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(4). Retrieved from