An Outline on Pedagogical Practices in Pre-Primary Classes in Nepal


Shobhakhar Kandel


The purpose of the pedagogical research work is to interpret the pedagogical practices that pre-primary teachers do in community schools. The present study is carried out through an intensive review of previous literatures, open-ended interviews with the teachers of Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Pre-primary Classes (PPCs)and class observations which are assumed as the base of information about the current pedagogical practices. The study was conducted using qualitative method based on interpretive perspective. The data were interpreted using inductive data analysis approach. The research work findings show that Montessori and Kindergarten approaches are used in observed classes. The findings also show teachers involved are to be orientated with modern pedagogical approaches like Multiple Intelligence approach of Howard Gardner, Reggio Emilia's approaches, Five Principal Activities of the human being, Seven Principal Activities of human being, human development theory of Hurlock, Social Learning theory of Albert Bandura and Socio-cultural Learning theory of Lev Vygotsky to conduct pre-primary classes in accordance with 21st century educational skills of Collaboration and communication instead of traditional type of strategies.


How to Cite
Kandel, S. (2018). An Outline on Pedagogical Practices in Pre-Primary Classes in Nepal. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(1). Retrieved from