Benefits of Multimedia Computer Laboratories in Curriculum Delivery Kenya


Nderitu Mary Wambui


Having recognized the need for students to be skillful, creative and confident in the use of Computer Technology (CT), education stakeholders have employed various approaches to integrate it in teaching and learning. CT allows multimedia learning which has been found to be more effective than used chalk and talk that has been used over the years as the main delivery method. Research alludes that educators embrace new approaches only if they see how the new approach can help yield better results that the current one. Rogers's diffusion of innovation theory describes how an innovation goes through various stages before it is fully accepted. In order to improve the quality of teacher training, the Kenya government with assistance from Belgian Government has equipped public primary teacher training colleges (PPTTCs) with Multimedia Computer Laboratories (MCLs).This paper is based on a PhD thesis research that sought among other objectives to examine tutors' views about benefits of MCLs. The paper has a conceptual framework that shows the inter relatedness of various variables in multimedia learning. In order to get in depth and diverse information, the study used a descriptive survey design with a population of 845 tutors from PPTTCs selected from diverse geographical regions. The benefits of using the MCLs for instruction were found to be: access to online literature, increasing students' motivation and interest for learning, making work easier, and enhancing learning. The implication was that if MCLs are used adequately, they could improve the quality of instruction. The study recommended decentralisation of computers and their accessories from the MCLs to the classrooms.


How to Cite
Wambui, N. M. (2018). Benefits of Multimedia Computer Laboratories in Curriculum Delivery Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(6). Retrieved from