The Role of Psychologists in the Dispensation of the Criminal Justice System in Zimbabwe


Machingambi Zadzisai
Kunodziya Albertina


The role of psychologists transcends all spheres of the criminal justice system in Zimbabwe. The roles are conceived within the framework of the following range of issues: identification of criminals, interrogation procedures, courtroom discourse, judicial decisions, rehabilitation of criminals and in criminology and research. There are many branches of psychology whose contributions feed into the criminal justice system in Zimbabwe. This discourse highlights these and other issues in examining the role of psychologists in the dispensation of the criminal justice system in Zimbabwe. Since our criminal justice system is modelled along western criminal justice and delivery systems, examples from the international scene will be brought into spotlight. The paper will conclude by proffering recommendations envisioned to substantially improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Zimbabwean Criminal Justice System and to align it with international best practices in the field of justice delivery.


How to Cite
Zadzisai, M., & Albertina, K. (2018). The Role of Psychologists in the Dispensation of the Criminal Justice System in Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(6). Retrieved from