An Analysis of Library and Non- Library Software Development Problem Factors: A Comparative Study


Nader Saboktakin
Sedigheh Mohammad Esmaeil


This research intends to analyze comparatively the challenges in development of computer software with various subjects and library computer software in country. This research is an applied research and through an analytical-survey method, evaluated challenges in producing the library and non-library software. Questionnaire is tool of date collection and statistical society consists of producers of custom software which respectively are about 600.  Sample size includes 234 peoples of which 201 questionnaire i.e., 86% have been filled. Interview with experts have been performed in order to determine the reliability, and Cronbach's alpha is 0.8 for the questionnaire.  According to test of comparison of two societies' means in library software; challenges of documentation with measured t-statistics is 3.411 more than these challenges in non-library software. Also, the maximum difference is related to challenges of documentation and system requirements. In order to decrease challenges in software producing which means quality promotion and a precise estimate of cost and time; library software companies ought to pay more attention than non-library companies software to steps or procedures of documentation than other phases or areas.



How to Cite
Saboktakin, N., & Esmaeil, S. M. (2018). An Analysis of Library and Non- Library Software Development Problem Factors: A Comparative Study. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(8). Retrieved from