Religiosity and Happiness among Homeless Men


Packiaraj Arumugham


This exploratory study examines the relationship between religiosity and happiness among homeless men, staying in a shelter of a faith-based organization. The study participants (N = 45) were chosen by using purposive sampling method. Besides a questionnaire for the demographic items, Religious Belief Scale (RBS) developed by Martin and Nichols (1962) and Hills and Argyle's(2002) Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) were used to collect data. The study has revealed that there is no significant correlation between participants' religiosity and their happiness. The study has also revealed that religious resources have helped the participants to stay clean from addiction. Participants have also reported that their hope in life has been restored. Implications of the study and suggestions for future research are discussed. 



How to Cite
Arumugham, P. (2018). Religiosity and Happiness among Homeless Men. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(8). Retrieved from