Pakistan Education System Comparison with Iran


Zain Ul Abiden Malik
Aneeqa Nawaz


This paper looks at the instruction arrangement of the Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan by discriminatingly assessing auxiliary wellsprings of information identified with both the nations. It inspects and analyzes the history, laws on training, school levels and structure of the instruction division, general essential instruction, nature of training, dialect and the instruction of ladies of Pakistan and Iran. This correlation uncovers how Iran has attained quick development in its instruction segment particularly after the Revolution while Pakistan lingers a long ways behind Iran in all domains of training. Henceforth this paper additionally serves to highlight the current circumstance of the instructive arrangement of Pakistan and the imperfections that it experiences.


How to Cite
Malik, Z. U. A., & Nawaz, A. (2015). Pakistan Education System Comparison with Iran. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from