An Overview of the Pre-School Education in Morocco


Maria Cristina Pilo


It is scientifically recognised that the first years of life, until 8, are crucial for the intellectual, affective and social development of human beings and that the path followed during the childhood represents either a solid or a weak base, through which the future development of the child will be built. Therefore, investing in pre-school education is extremely important because it generates positives effects not only on the successful learning level registered at school, but also on the evolution of the child towards being an adult and a good citizen, which will generally contribute to an effective development of the nation. This paper gives a snapshot of the situation of pre-school education in Morocco. It mainly provides an understanding of the main characteristics of this area and the projects proposed for a better pre-school education for Moroccan children.


How to Cite
Pilo, M. C. (2016). An Overview of the Pre-School Education in Morocco. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from