Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar- Founding Father of Civilization in the History of India


Mattimalla Surya Raju


Father of Indian Civilization Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was not only championed the cause of social justice for the untouchables, women, shudras and underprivileged sections of Indian society, but also Founding Father of modern civilization in the history of India. Baba Saheb Dr B R Ambedkar had worked vigorously throughout his life to challenge the authority of orthodox uncivilized Hindu Religious theories and practices that upheld violence, untouchability, vertical hierarchies, wicked human relations in an institutionalized manner with barbarian practices. The Ambedkar's mission  was to annihilate the Hindu religion in order to  create a civilized society like white Christian societies which hold the strong  modern liberal democratic ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity. Research paper analyzes the contribution of Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in founding the modern civilization which is new to Indian society till the arrival of civilized white western colonial rulers in the beginning of the seventeenth century. Baba Saheb Dr B R Ambedkar was fought for the human rights of civilized Untouchables, uncivilized Shudras and unskilled higher caste Hindu women throughout his life. Ambedkar fought against uncivilized  Hindu religion which uphold violence through its caste system and finally converted to Buddhism, which has less evils compared to his forefathers' religion. Baba Saheb Dr B R Ambedkar was a greatest organic intellectual and liberal thinker who liberated the social status of not only untouchables and Shudras but also unskilled-non-intellectual higher caste Hindu women in society. Research paper also analyzes the relevance of his greatest ideas in the contemporary modern discourse on equality, liberty and fraternity under the uncivilized practices of Indian social-economic-religious norms. Baba Saheb Dr B R Ambedkar's main argument is that Hinduism is the main root cause for all social-economic-spiritual-religious evils in India.


How to Cite
Raju, M. S. (2015). Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar- Founding Father of Civilization in the History of India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from