Missionary's Role on Boro Language and Literature During Colonial Period


Asha Basumatary


The research paper tends to delve into the role of Christian missionaries towards the growth and development of Boro language and literature during colonial period. Although Boro or Bodo is an antique language having an affluent in oral traditions yet there was no trace of written works on this language until the second decade of the twentieth century CE. This language was once spoken throughout the entire Brahmaputra valley of Assam, North Bengal and erstwhile East Bengal, but it began to decline due to the domineering languages of the Aryans, namely Assamese and Bengali Hindus. For this reason, some local variations are said to have appeared in their dialects. But the Christian missionaries who entered among the Boros in early years of 19th century CE were the first to make a great contribution in bolstering the Boro language and literature along with the propagation of their gospel. This is clearly evident from their undertaking for the scientific study firstly on Boro language.


How to Cite
Basumatary, A. (2015). Missionary’s Role on Boro Language and Literature During Colonial Period. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/131903