Leggett's Program in Philosophy of Science II: Condensed Matter Physics


Yeuncheol Jeong


Leggett believes that modern condensed matter physics could potentially become mature enough to test the limit on the validity of the standard quantum mechanics with respect to some alternative forms of it. Here, the super-conducting quantum interference devices (SQUID) could soon be sufficiently reliable enough to experimentally challenge, in particular, the measurement problem, although understanding their functions still requires a substantial effort for a generation of physicists to come. However, Leggett is quite confident that, in testing the limit on the validity of the standard quantum mechanics, the SQUIDs could avoid a situation of continuing debate involved in the experiments. Vlentini also believes that the standard quantum mechanics can be tested experimentally with respect to Bohmian quantum mechanics.


How to Cite
Jeong, Y. (2015). Leggett’s Program in Philosophy of Science II: Condensed Matter Physics. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/131914

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