Corrupt Mind Set – Need for Change


Neeru Garg


Corruption, all over the world, continues to loom large and tears in to the fabric of governance.There is corruption in all spheres and common people get adversely affected in theirday to day existence. Corruption is growing by leaps and bounds in India. As the nationgrows, the corrupt also grows to invent new methods of cheating the government and public.Negligence, showing favours, abuse of power, acceptance of gifts, misappropriation, misuse, delay, cheating etc. are some faces   of corruption.

In the year 2012, India ranked 94 out of 176 countries in the corruption perception index of transparency international. Other recent surveys also reveal that globally corruptioncorruption has worsened in the last two years. Furthermore, if corruption is not contained, it will grow exponentially and we need to arrest this inimical growth which is tearing in to the fabricof our economy. More and more people all over the world are demanding greater transparency and accountability from public representatives. Not only the politicians or thegovernment is responsible for it, rather it is deep rooted in the psyche of a common man. It has become part of the working culture of India. A large scale awareness needs to be imparted to the mass. People have to be conveyed the quantum of loss a country and the people themselves face, when the single act of corruption is committed. If it could be addressed properly, we get solution to the most of our problems. The main objectives of this paper is to highlight the extent of corruption in India by identifying the main causes of corruption in major sectors such as bureaucracy, judiciary and politics and suggest remedial measures.


How to Cite
Garg, N. (2015). Corrupt Mind Set – Need for Change. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from