Christianity and Modern Education in Manipur


M. Thanmung


In this work I discussed the condition of education system prevailing in Manipur in seventeen century. My work also deals with how the Christian missionaries empressed the people of Manipur about the necessity of English education when the British administration failed to empress its necessity.

I also discussed how the first missionary, William Pattegrew, took the hardship in order to introduced modern education in Manipur. What strategies and techtics were taken up by the missionary to pursuit the superstitious people of the hill tribes in order to trained them and taught them proper behaviour and discipline.

My work also deals with how the engaged as a missionary and as an officiating state officer in all matters affecting the day to day administration of the hills. The discussion also included how the British officials helped the missionary for opening village school on a three-year basis in about a dozen villages. How the missionary took the advantage to spread gospel message to the neighbouring tribe of Tangkhul when he was appointed as the superintendent of the census which was to be taken in the hill areas of Manipur for the first time.

This work also deals with the hardship taken by missionaries in order to keep education among the women. What strategies were taken up by the missionaries to win over the negative thinking of the people about women education. The discussion also included the mission education policy. How the mission schools try their best to provide adequate facilities to the students. The Missionaries firmly believe that unless proper atmosphere is provide for the child to feel at east in the school premises, nothing can be taught to the child and if the teaching goes on nothing may retain.

How the mission school try to empress upon the mind of the children, good conduct, moral character, honesty and truthfulness apart from emparting sound knowledge. Again how the Missionary education maintained the age old moral values and kept a balance with currents of new values that are flooding the society.

This work also deals with the growth of literature among the tribal of Manipur. Before the arrival of the Missionaries the dialect were just spoken and nothing was written much nor must any one have bothered to. So, how the missionary took the hardship in order to reduce the dialects to writing in Roman scripts.


How to Cite
Thanmung, M. (2015). Christianity and Modern Education in Manipur. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from