An Assessment of Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction and Retention of Science/ Medical Laboratory Professionals in North Central Nigeria


Godwin, M. Mafuyai
Magdalene, S. Ayuba
Samuel, N. Atsen


Effective implementation and sustainability of quality laboratory programmes in Nigeria relies on the development of appropriate staff retention strategies. Assessing the factors responsible for job satisfaction and retention is key for tailoring specific interventions aiming at improving the overall impact of Science Laboratory Technology and Medical Laboratory programmes. A survey was developed to assess these factors among 241 laboratorians working in the laboratory in Universities/Teaching Hospitals in Nigeria. Lack of professional development was the major reason for leaving the previous job for 23% of interviewees who changed jobs in the past five years. Professional development/training opportunities was indicated by almost 88% (212/241) of total interviewees as the most important or a very important factor for satisfaction at their current job. Similarly, regular professional development/opportunities for training were the highest rated incentive to remain at their current job by 85% (206/241). Laboratory professionals employed in the private sector were more likely to change jobs than those working in the public sector (P = 0.002). The findings will be use for developing specific strategies for human resources management, in particular targeting professional development, aiming at improving laboratory professionals within the Nigerian University laboratory programme and hence its long-term sustainability.


How to Cite
Mafuyai, G. M., Ayuba, M. S., & Atsen, S. N. (2015). An Assessment of Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction and Retention of Science/ Medical Laboratory Professionals in North Central Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from