Problems in Organisation of Co-Curricular Activities in Secondary Schools


Subhadra Sahoo
Rajiv Lochan Namta


Co-curricular activates plays an important role for the all round development of personality of the secondary school students. The physical facilities available in the secondary school are the first step to organize co curricular activities. This paper focus on the physical facilities available in the urban and rural secondary schools, also the problems for conducting co-curricular activities in such schools. Various commissions and committees have stressed on the importance of co curricular activities in the secondary schools. So keeping in view the importance of co-curricular activities the heads of the schools are trying to introduce different kinds of activities in their respective schools.


How to Cite
Sahoo, S., & Namta, R. L. (2015). Problems in Organisation of Co-Curricular Activities in Secondary Schools. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(2). Retrieved from