Attitude of Teacher Educators and Teacher Trainees towards Restructuring the T.T.C Curriculum of Kerala


Lekshmi P.
K. Abdul Gafoor


The study was conducted to find out the attitude of Teacher Educators and Teacher trainees towards restructuring the T.T.C curriculum of Kerala. The sample consists of 69 Teacher educators and 300 Teacher trainees from various Teacher Training Institutes. Normative sample survey was used for the study. Statistical techniques used in the study were Mean and Standard Deviation. The analysis shows that all the teacher educators and teacher trainees have favourable attitude towards restricting the T.T.C curriculum of Kerala.

Education plays an important role in the development of human Capital Education is often viewed as a process in which and by which knowledge, character and behaviour of the young are shaped and moulded. The system of education that we have got a glorious past firmly rooted in the Vedic Gurukula system of education where knowledge acquisition was considered as the supreme means to salvation.

It is right when Swami Vivekananda reminds of the role of the teachers to him "Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”. He wants to establish that knowledge is inherent in man, and only duty of the teachers is the removal of obstruction by clearing the way (Mahadevan, 1985, P.122). Only with the right teacher could know how to unveil the hidden treasure with the pupil in the right way.

A teacher is expected to help the pupil in improving the quality of human life in the context of multiple internal and external forces of impinging on man and the society.

Teachers are always playing a crucial role in preparing committees and societies towards exploring new horizons and achieving higher levels of progress and development. They are the prime agents of change. The significance of emerging role of teachers has never been so critical as at this juncture. Professionalism in teacher education has been a matter of concern and attention in India, particularly during the last five decades teachers are treated as the torch bearers in creating social cohesion national integration and a learned society.


How to Cite
P., L., & Gafoor, K. A. (2015). Attitude of Teacher Educators and Teacher Trainees towards Restructuring the T.T.C Curriculum of Kerala. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(2). Retrieved from