The Study of DVD Subtitle on EFL Students' English Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary Acquisition


Chu-Hua Hsieh


Nowadays subtitles of DVD films are quite used in language learning by teachers and learners to strengthen listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Many researches showed the effect of subtitle on the listening comprehension. However, few studies discuss about the effect of subtitle on vocabulary acquisition even the comparison with different types of subtitling. Therefore, this study applied quantitative and qualitative research methods to investigate which one of the subtitle method has effect on students' listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition: standard, bimodal or reversed subtitling of DVD film and multimedia by EFL students. There are 106 EFL students as participants: 80 females and 26 males. The outcome of this paper is that using standard and bimodal subtitling and using different multimedia have effect on students' listening and vocabulary abilities and standard subtitling is more effective than bimodal subtitling. Besides, participants of high score and low score groups have significant and different opinions toward reversed subtitling and in the female and male groups, students don't show any significant difference in the different kinds of subtitling and multimedia.


How to Cite
Hsieh, C.-H. (2015). The Study of DVD Subtitle on EFL Students’ English Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary Acquisition. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(2). Retrieved from