Impact of Mining Chemical Waste Management and Disposal on Environment and Water Pollution to Local Communities in Zimbabwe: A Case of Hwange Coal Fields in Matabeleland North Region


Chisango Future Fortune T.
Ncube Sikhulekile
Moyo Wisdom
Gasva Douglas


Water pollution has now reached a crisis point in most third world African countries. In Zimbabwe almost every water body is exposed to extensive pollution. The massive legal and illegal mining activities in the country adversely affect the environment. The problems associated with such activities are land degradation, disposal of over burden (OB), deforestation, and extensive water pollution, hazardous to flora and fauna. In order to assess the impact of mining waste management and disposal of Hwange Coal Fields on water pollution and the livelihood of local communities a study was conducted in Deka area of Hwange District in Matabeleland North Region: Zimbabwe. To achieve this random sampling technique was used to come up with a sample of 50 respondents- with subjects drawn from local communities, authorities, environmental organisations and mining companies. In-depth interviews and questionnaires were used to generate views of all stakeholders. Qualitative methods of data presentation and analysis were used to provide for both the backdrop and a detailed explanation of the findings of the research. Research findings revealed that mining activities are a major contributor to massive pollution and environmental degradation in Zimbabwe's mining communities. As massive hazardous chemicals are discharged and seep into fresh water bodies and somewhere along the line people are made to drink the effluent.  The findings were intended to assist the Government and other stakeholders in crafting sound water pollution mitigation strategies for sustainable livelihoods of local communities, in areas where massive mining activities are done.


How to Cite
T., C. F. F., Sikhulekile, N., Wisdom, M., & Douglas, G. (2015). Impact of Mining Chemical Waste Management and Disposal on Environment and Water Pollution to Local Communities in Zimbabwe: A Case of Hwange Coal Fields in Matabeleland North Region. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(2). Retrieved from