A Study on Human Resource Development Differential across the Murshidabad District of West Bengal in India


Surajit Let
Bipasha Das


Human development, as a concept implies a process of change attributes to human being – both quantitatively and qualitatively. Historically, HRD has referred to developing human resources in order to increase economic productivity and therefore a nation's wealth that is, very closely linked with economic outputs. The concept of human development has long been echoed by sages of ancient India. The sages wished that every human being should be happy, healthy and educated. It is always emphasized as central to the development of society Human Development is not only related to the environmental resources, its utilization through overall economic activities but also to the quality and vision of governance. This paper highlights some characteristics essential for understanding its economic backwardness and also human development, differential across the district as well as different blocks and municipalities also. To do this the data have been collected from District Statistical Handbook 2003, District census report in 2001 and West Bengal Human Development Report 2004 and National Human Development Report 2001.


How to Cite
Let, S., & Das, B. (2015). A Study on Human Resource Development Differential across the Murshidabad District of West Bengal in India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(3). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/131973