The Relationship between School Support and Business / Industrial Support with the Entrepreneurial Character of Vocational Students


Nurlaila Abdullah Mashabi
Kenty Martiastuti
Mirdat Silitonga


This study aims to determine the relationship between school support and business / industry support with the entrepreneurial character of vocational students. This research is an initial step or needs analysis to develop a parenting-based entrepreneurship learning model for improve entrepreneurial character through school collaboration with the business world and industry. This research was conducted on vocational students in Jakarta with a sample of 3 schools representing vocational schools in the fields of tourism, business and economics, and technology. Anova test results show the differences in the character of entrepreneurship, school support and business / industry support based on specialization majors. The results of the study found a significant positive relationship (at 95% confidence level) between school support and entrepreneurial character (r = 0.487) and business / industry support with the entrepreneurial character of vocational students (r = 0.419). This means that the better the school support and business / industry support, the better the entrepreneurial character of vocational students.


How to Cite
Mashabi, N. A., Martiastuti, K., & Silitonga, M. (2018). The Relationship between School Support and Business / Industrial Support with the Entrepreneurial Character of Vocational Students. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(8). Retrieved from