Hope and Transformation of Women within a Society: A Review of Ba's ‘So Long a Letter' and Farah's ‘from a Crooked Rib'


Ali M Adan
Japheth P. Muindu
Naman K. Rop


This review of literature sought to examine the different perspective in society through which female characters have shown their desire to foster hope and transformation for their individual life's as well as the future plan to support adjustment of their fellow women's livelihood. Farah's The Crooked Rib focuses on Ebla a young adult female who runs away from her nomadic community after she had been promised to an older man. Despite this act of selflessness Ebla's life is thrown into turmoil by the men around her life. This leads to her discovery that she is powerless and she decides to take control of her life. The novel portrays the determination of a young female character who is ready to fight for her dignity in society and quest for transformation. In her work; So long a letter- Ba shows that women are upholders of traditional values and religious obligations of house and society.  Their respect and status are above all other but when a foreign force of men threatens their stronghold then the strength of women solidarity arises.


How to Cite
Adan, A. M., Muindu, J. P., & Rop, N. K. (2018). Hope and Transformation of Women within a Society: A Review of Ba’s ‘So Long a Letter’ and Farah’s ‘from a Crooked Rib’. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/137397