The Application of Corporate Social Responsibility Principles Based on Sharia Law in Province of Aceh, Indonesia


Jumadiah .
Manfarisyah .
Marlia Sastro
Jumadiah .


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of the social and environmental responsibilities.CSR aims to accomplish the prosperity of community. The companies located in Aceh Province have applied CSR including responsibility in religious affair. The principles of CSR according to Islamic Law enable to establish life system based on social principles and justice as well as prioritize social benefit, the principle can be adopted onCSR regulations and implemented by the companies in Aceh Province, therefore, the applied programs in Aceh province are based on the cultural and religious values of Acehnese community which is based on sharia law.


How to Cite
., J., ., M., Sastro, M., & ., J. (2018). The Application of Corporate Social Responsibility Principles Based on Sharia Law in Province of Aceh, Indonesia. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 6(10). Retrieved from